Howdy there, folks!
Today I have here, Miss Amanda Tero, author of the newly released book, The Secret Slipper. This book just released on Thursday, the 25th, but I've had the wonderful opportunity to advance read it. It is Ms. Tero's best work yet, in my opinion! I can tell that she has improved in her writing, and I am SO amazed at how God gave her the plot line of The Secret Slipper! Like whaaat.....?? How did she think of that?? I guess it had to be God's ultimate, genius, wisdom :D I am so close to being done with the book--it's taken me longer because of business and a big art project, but once I'm done, be looking for my review of it on Amazon :D
Well, would you like me to get on to the interview now? Okay, okay! Here you are:
What was your favorite part about writing The Secret Slipper?
My favorite part was probably the initial first-draft writing process. It is always exciting to watch the ideas form!
Oh, yes, for sure!
Which part was the most difficult?
That would be the rewrites. ;) Particularly Raoul’s story. For some reason, I just couldn’t figure out how to make his story interesting. Thanks to some of my first readers and friends who helped me brainstorm. A lot.
Uh-huh. I haven't got to that stage in any of my works yet, but I can imagine that would be tough. You did a great job with his story!
Which character was your favorite to write about and why?
I really liked a lot of my character cast in “The Secret Slipper.” Jolin is probably my most favorite, but then Dumphey and Zuzene and Lia and Raoul…oh and Noel. I even liked Bioti. They were all fun to write because they were all different.
Are any of the characters modeled after you or people you know, in some way?
Not directly, for this novella. I feel like most of my characters are some way indirectly influenced by the people that I know.
Same with me :D
What do you hope your readers will take away from this book?
There are a few main lessons in this book: completely trust in God no matter what situation and what’s at stake, and realizing that God has created us in His wisdom and has a purpose for the things He allows in our lives.
What is the best piece of writing advice that you have received as an author?
Every great book was once an awful first draft.
YES! I have learned not to edit before a book or piece of writing is finished, or else I'll get frustrated and put it down. I guess that's pretty much the essence of your advice, no?
What inspired you to write The Secret Slipper?
I had finished "Befriending the Beast" (a spin-off of Beauty and the Beast) as a stand-alone when an author friend asked, "Hey, have you ever considered a father/daughter Cinderella story?" And that is exactly where the inspiration started. I prayed about it, and the Lord supplied the full story.
Thank you so much, Amanda! It was fun to read your answers :)
And now, folks, for the fun stuff. Ms. Tero is offering a Giveaway of both Befriending the Beast, book one of Tales of Faith (but not at all necessary reading in order to understand The Secret Slipper; Befriending the Beast just ties in a very slight bit), and The Secret Slipper!
I had finished "Befriending the Beast" (a spin-off of Beauty and the Beast) as a stand-alone when an author friend asked, "Hey, have you ever considered a father/daughter Cinderella story?" And that is exactly where the inspiration started. I prayed about it, and the Lord supplied the full story.
Thank you so much, Amanda! It was fun to read your answers :)
And now, folks, for the fun stuff. Ms. Tero is offering a Giveaway of both Befriending the Beast, book one of Tales of Faith (but not at all necessary reading in order to understand The Secret Slipper; Befriending the Beast just ties in a very slight bit), and The Secret Slipper!
Be sure to check that out. And 1 paper set-ooh, fabulous! :D I have really enjoyed The Secret Slipper and I hope you will too, once you get and read it--of course you will get and read it, won't you? ;)
Oh, perhaps you would like to know a bit about the book, too, eh?
About the Book
Being a cripple is only the beginning of Lia’s troubles. It seems as if Bioti’s goal in life is to make Lia as miserable as possible. If Lia’s purpose is to be a slave, then why did God make her a cripple? How can He make something beautiful out of her deformity?Raoul never questioned the death of his daughter until someone reports her whereabouts. If Ellia is still alive, how has she survived these ten years with her deformity? When Raoul doesn’t know who to trust, can he trust God to keep Ellia safe when evidence reveals Bioti’s dangerous character?
As time brings more hindrances, will Raoul find Ellia, or will she forever be lost to the father she doesn't even know is searching for her?
And you can buy it here:
Purchase Link
Or you can: Get “Befriending the Beast”
About the Author
Amanda Tero is a homeschool graduate who desires to provide God-honoring, family-friendly reading material. She has enjoyed writing since before ten years old, but it has only been since 2013 that she began seriously pursuing writing again – starting with some short stories that she wrote for her sisters as a gift. Her mom encouraged her to try selling the stories she published, and since then, she has begun actively writing short stories, novellas, and novels. If something she has written draws an individual into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, it is worth it!
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
Connect with Amanda
Email: amandaterobooks@gmail.comWebsite:
Blog: www.withajoyfulnoise.blogspot.
Excited yet? Well, I'll let you get on to the rest of the blogs and checking out the book for yerself :) (yes, I know I said yerself) Let me just finish with a quote--or two:
Okay, now you can go. After you see who else is blogging about The Secret Slipper this week.
Amanda @ With a Joyful Noise | Release Day, Giveaway
Leila @ Leila Tualla's Bookshelf | Spotlight
Faith @ Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections | Review, Giveaway
Leona @ Great Books for God's Girls | Review, Interview
May 26
Emily @ Zerina Blossom’s Books | Interview
Kendra @ Knitted By God's Plan (Spotlight) and O'Scarlett Reviews (Review) | Spotlight, Review
Alicia @ A Brighter Destiny | Review, Giveaway
May 27
Anika @ This Journey Called Life | Spotlight, Review, Giveaway
Katie @ His Princess Warrior | Review, Giveaway
Sarah @ The Destiny of One | Spotlight
Heather @ Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen | Spotlight, Interview, Giveaway
May 29
Kate @ Once Upon an Ordinary | Review, Interview
Sarah @ Penumbra Reviews | Review
Dary @ Peculiar Miss Darcy | Character Interview
Julia @ My Joyful Journey with Jesus | Interview
May 30
Kenzi @ Honey Rock Hills | Review, Giveaway
Anita @ Christian Author: A.M. Heath | Review
Judith @ JudithWNicholson | Interview
May 31
Jesseca @ Whimsical Writings for His glory | Spotlight, Review
Raechel @ God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae | Spotlight, Review
Esther @ Purposeful Learning | Review, Interview, Giveaway
June 1
Kellyn @ Reveries Reviews | Review
Victoria @ Victoria Minks Blog | Spotlight, Review
Kelsey @ Kelsey’s Notebook | Spotlight
June 2
Hanne @ RockandMinerals4Him | Spotlight, Review, Giveaway
Erica @ Roxbury Books Blog | Spotlight
Janell @ Views from the Window Friend | Review
Crystal @ Crystal’s Adventures for Christ | Spotlight, Review, Interview
June 3
Alexa @ Verbosity Reviews | Spotlight
Faith @ Chosen Vessels | Review
Melissa @ Clothed with Scarlet | Review, Interview, Giveaway
And as a last note, thank you to all those soldiers who have given their lives so that we might have the comfort of freedom and protection. Thank you to all of the families of those who have died fighting, for their willingness to let their family members serve and give their lives for our freedom. Most of all, thank You, JESUS, for sacrificing Your life to free us from the bondage of sin and buy us into Your family to live forever with You, and thank You for reversing the normal cycle--life and then death--You died and then lived!! And now we can have the hope of living in Your presence and glory after we die (unless you take us sooner :D)!
"If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living." ~Romans 14:8-9 (emphasis added)
And now you can go. Really.
I hope you have a glorious week!
Jewels <3