Tuesday, April 19, 2016

God's Care

Hello everyone!

Recently my family received a call that my sister wasn't doing to well. We gathered on our back porch and discussed the details and then we bowed our heads to pray. 
I had been working outside and had found a slug behind some old siding. As I sat and semi-dismally watched this slug leave it's gooey, slimy trail along my hand, listening to my dad as he prayed (Yes, I wasn't closing my eyes through the whole prayer :)), A thought suddenly struck me: God sees and cares for this little slug. And if God sees and cares for this slug, small and insignificant as it may be, how much more does He see and care for my sister in her troubles?  

I was surprised to find the slug in the same spot nearly a week later! 
According to the NLT version of Ephesians 2:10, we are 'God's masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things that He prepared for us long ago.'  We are God's masterpiece. Humans are the only creations that are specifically created in His image (Gen. 1). We are special to Him. 

If God still watches out for, provides for, cares for His minute creations, how much more does He care for and watch out for us, His masterpieces, whom He created in His own image, whom He created to love Him and be loved by Him, to serve Him, to have a way undeserved relationship with Him? 

If you are feeling lonely, discouraged, unloved and uncared for, know that God cares for you. God is watching out for you, and loving you no less than when He first created you and when He died for you. Know that you are special to Him, and His thoughts toward you are more in number than the sands of the sea (Ps. 139:17-18). In fact, read the whole chapter of Psalm 139. It tells about just how special you are to Him; how much He cares for and watches out for you. 

"Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. " Matthew 10:29-31

Julia <3
*The photos in this post are mine; please do not use without permission*

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Passover, Jesus' death, and Resurrection Sunday


Recently I was listening to a sermon about the Passover.  In the sermon, the pastor talked about the first Passover, the one where God had been sending plagues to the Egyptians because for 400 years they had enslaved the the Israelite's, God's people, and refused to release them at His command. The last of these plagues was one where all the firstborn in the land, man or beast would die. But God provided a protection from His wrath for the Israelite's. He told them to take a spotless lamb, kill it, take a hyssop branch and, using it, apply the blood of the lamb to their doorpost. They were to roast and eat the lamb, at the same time being prepared for traveling because God knew and had warned them that the Egyptian Pharaoh would set them free after this plague and they needed to be ready.  

When the angel of death passed through the land, the angel would see the blood that had been applied to the doorpost of each Jewish house and those under the roof of that house would be spared. This, the Israelites did, and were spared the effects of the plague. At midnight, the angel of death swept through the land killing all the firstborn of every male, man and beast. When Pharaoh discovered that his firstborn son was dead, he called Moses and Aaron, the ambassadors of the Israelite's, and commanded them to take the children of Israel and leave. 

It was with great rejoicing that the Israelite's left Egypt and their slavery behind, and thus began their great journey.  God commanded that the Passover was to be kept every year in remembrance of how He had passed over them, spared them from the plague of death. The way they were to celebrate this event was by taking a lamb, killing it, and eating it as they did that night--without breaking any of it's bones, God commands in Exodus 12:46, which interestingly reminds me of the prophecy in Psalm 34:20 and the fulfillment of that prophecy in John 19:33 and :36. (These events are found in Exodus 11-12)

Anyway, fast forward about 2000 years and you come to the death of Christ. As you probably know, Jesus Christ died at the time of celebrating the Passover. In the sermon I was listening to, the pastor was talking about what Jesus must have been feeling during that time. He said that at that time, around 2.5-3 million people would be gathering in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. According to Bible regulations, there was to be one spotless lamb sacrificed for every 10 people. You're talking some 250,000 lambs being slaughtered. Each lamb probably contained more than a gallon of blood. The way it would happen is the lamb would be sacrificed, and the blood would be taken and poured at the base of the altar. Now, with more than a gallon of blood per lamb, and 250,000 lambs or more being slaughtered, where would all that blood go? Well, there was a little conduit from the base of the altar that led down to the brook Kidron. The blood drained through this, flowing into the water.

This brook lay in the Kidron valley which separated the Temple mount, from the Mount of Olives. The Garden of Gethsemane was at the base of the Mount of Olives. So as our Lord passed through on His way to the Garden of Gethsemane in the night that He was betrayed, He passed over a river of blood made from the blood of over 100,000 sacrificial lambs (they celebrated the Passover on two days--one day for the Judeans, and one day for the Galileans, so half the lambs were sacrificed on each day). What a picture that must have been to Him to have been probably at the temple, watching all these lambs being sacrificed and then passing over this river of blood, knowing that they all were a picture of what He was about to do; how He was to, very soon, become the ultimate sacrificial Lamb and His own blood was to be spilled at the cross of Calvary. 

The Bible tells us that in the Garden of Gethsemane He was so emotional that He began to sweat blood (Luke 22:44). He suffered such emotional strain at what was about to happen to Him, that He began to sweat blood. He then was arrested and taken through six trials-three Jewish, three Roman (John 18:12-14, Matt. 26:57, Matt. 27:1, Matt. 27:2, Luke 23:6-12, Matt. 27:15-26). Imagine the stress! All His disciples having abandoned Him, being interrogated by these leaders, having false witnesses being brought in to try to accuse Him of something, anything that He did wrong, being mocked, spit upon and hit, and very likely not being able to sleep at all. He then is taken and scourged, brought to a hall, a purple robe being placed upon Him, a reed in His hand and a crown of thorns upon His head, and He is mocked, spit upon and hit some more (John 18:19-23, Matt. 26:59-68, Luke 23:6-12, Matt. 27:24-31).

After that, He is made to carry His cross-piece along a road and the fact that along the way a man named Simon was recruited to help Him carry it, shows that He was probably very weak at that point (Matt. 27:32). He is taken a place called Calvary, or Golgotha which means the place of the Skull, nailed to the cross and tortured. Death by crucifixion was supposed to be a shameful, slow and painful death, and the victim usually died from exposure or exhaustion. Sometimes it even took up to a week for a victim to die. The Romans were experts at this. So there Jesus hung, with the accusation title of 'King of the Jews' hung above His head (Matt. 27:37).

The people came to mock Him and happily watch His suffering (Matt. 27:39-43)--and remember that this was the Passover. In the middle of the celebration of this feast, these people are coming to joyfully watch and take part in the sufferings of another person. This shows the pure wickedness and evil in the hearts of man. The Bible says that even the robbers whom He was crucified with mocked Him (Matt. 27: 44). Now, in crucifixion, breathing was hard and painful. Yet these robbers are using their breath, to mock Jesus Christ. Again, what wickedness and evil in the hearts of man! 

After Jesus suffers this painful agony, mentally, emotionally, physically, even experiencing the desertion of God the Father, He cries, "It is finished!" (I love those words) and takes His last breath (John 19:30)

In the sermon  I was listening to, the pastor only went to the part of what Jesus might have been thinking as He passed the brook Kidron, but as I was sitting there listening, I thought, what a depressing story! Imagine the darkness, pain, loneliness, agony, stress and grief! Imagine how He must have dreaded the coming events--So bad that He even sweat blood. And it struck me, why is this holiday that is coming up so joyous? I honestly, in that split second, forgot about the ending of story. Why is this upcoming holiday such a joyous thing?  

And then I remembered. Because He didn't stay dead. He didn't stop there. He rose again. He rose from the grave. The grave could not keep it's prey, death could not keep it's grip upon Him, He rose again. This wasn't just a spiritual rising. It was physical, but in a new way. He could go through doors and walls, but He ate, and talked and His disciples could feel Him--He was not just an apparition (Luke 24:36-43).
Christ is risen indeed. This is why we can have true peace. Because death has been conquered. Sin has been defeated. So no matter what happens in this life, it doesn't matter--Jesus Christ is risen! If we are a believer, we have forgiveness of sins, we are cloaked in Christ's righteousness, and we will live forever with Him in Heaven--if life brings troubles and things don't go our way, what matter? We have been forgiven. We are made new. We will be with Jesus. It is finished. This is why we celebrate Resurrection Sunday with such rejoicing.  

And the glory of it is, when a sinner, by God's grace, sees that he is guilty of sin, sees that he is in rebellion towards a just God, has broken God's law, the punishment of which is death (Rom 6:23) and falls on his knees--physically or not--in repentance, God looks on him, sees His only Son, Jesus Christ, suffering in agony on the cross of Calvary, bearing the weight of the sin of the world--past, present and future--upon His shoulders, the blood of the ultimate sacrificial Lamb pouring from His hands, His feet, His side, and He is satisfied.  It is enough. The demands for forgiveness, cleansing of sin have been met, and He is satisfied (Isaiah 53). Amazing, isn't it? 

Notice also, the parallel in the observing of the Passover that I wrote about in the beginning of this post.   The wrath of God has been announced, He is coming to bring judgement in the land of Egypt. But He makes a provision so that the Hebrews wouldn't have to suffer and experience His wrath, that is the blood of a lamb. Translated to now, the wrath of God has been announced. He is coming to bring judgement on the world. But He has made a provision for us, so that if, by faith, we accept His provision, we won't have to suffer and experience His wrath; that is the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Those who applied the blood of a lamb to the doorpost of their homes, were spared the wrath of God. In the same way, those who apply the blood of the Lamb to the doorpost of their hearts, are spared the wrath of God. I sincerely hope that you have already accepted His provision and applied to your heart the blood of the spotless, blameless, ultimate sacrificial Lamb that was sacrificed for you.

"He has made Him who knew no sin, to become sin for us, that we may become the righteousness of God in Him. "~2 Corinthians 5:21

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." ~1 Peter1:3

"Greater love has no than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends." ~John 15:13

Julia <3
*Pictures one, two and four from the top are mine; please do not use without permission.*

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Liebster Award!

Greetings, friends!

I got tagged by Emma from pictureperfectionist to do the Liebster Award! Thanks Emma! Being new to blogging, I never have done one of these types of tags, but I'm looking forward to it :)

Here are the questions Emma gave me to answer:

1. Favorite word?
Maybe 'Habawaaaah...?' or 'Yahoozah' (Pronounced Ya-Who-Zah). They're fun to say. My old piano teacher used to say 'that's a doozy' which is a fun word, too :)

2. Number of siblings?

3. Last watched movie?
I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding last. It had a lot of funny parts, but also a good amount of other things that weren't good according to my family biblical standards and prefrence, so I give it a 3 star rating.

4. What book do you want to read next?
I would like to read 'The Harvester' or 'Laddie: A true blue story' next, both of which are by Gene Stratton-Porter. But since we do not own them, I'm not sure if I'll be able to read them yet :)

5. Favorite movie? 
Probably Seasons of Grey--no, not Shades of Gray; that's a movie that I've never watched and never hope to :) Seasons of Grey is a modern day story of Joseph from the Bible. A lot of Christian movies that my family and I have watched tend to be sorta cheesy (anyone else know what I'm talking about?), but Seasons of Grey was quite well made in our opinion, and the story line was pretty good being translated into a possible modern-time situation of what Joseph went through. Anyway, it was a good movie. 

6. Favorite book?
Can any book-lover have only one favorite book?? My top favorite would currently be Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley. It is such a good book! It really has a mix of every element that makes a book good (in my opinion, anyway) : it's well-written, has lots of good adventure, some really good spiritual truths and values, a realistic plot, noble and lovable characters, an unexpected but fantastic ending, and a little bit of romance. I connected with the characters and the story, and don't remember having a very hard time getting into it as sometimes I do with a book. I don't have any complaints about it, that I can think of; there are parts that are not exactly nice and fuzzy and agreeable, but they are part of what makes the book and it's plot realistic. 
Okay, enough of the review. Among my other top favorites are Michael O'Halloran and The Keeper of the Bees both by Gene Stratton-Porter, God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew and the list could go on and on. But this answer is getting really long, so I'll stop.

8. Did you notice I skipped number seven?
Not at first! :) 

9. ( I bet you're checking every number before the question now, huh? :D) Guilty blogging habit?
That would be procrastinating. Once I get a good post idea, a bunch of others start popping into my head so then I get sorta overwhelmed and don't do it. Or I'll start a post, don't finish it and then have a hard time getting myself to face it again. Or maybe being a perfectionist.

10. Latté or just plain coffee? Or tea? 
I don't drink coffee yet, so I guess I'd be tea. But then again, I don't drink tea very much either.

11. Will you follow my blog if you don't already? ;)
I already do follow your blog,  just not officially. I'm not sure if I'm going to start officially following blogs yet, but maybe someday ;)

I hope you enjoyed these questions and answers! Sorry for the length of some of them ;)

Now, I nominate Abby from Author of my Hope, Anna from Journey Journal and Big world, Bigger God, Aria from Purrfectly Inspired, Britt from Ranch Life, and Ashley from Precious Moments.  {In reading over this post, I realized that all of these bloggers' names start with 'A' except one! What's up with that? Sorry Britt :) }
I'm supposed to nominate 11 people, but I don't know enough bloggers to tag that many :) Well, maybe I do, but others have already been tagged or wouldn't be interested in doing it. 

Here are the Rules:

* Link back to the person who tagged you
* Answer 11 questions
* Tag 11 bloggers who have less than 1000 readers
* Ask them 11 questions
* Let them know you have tagged them through social media

And my questions:
1. What is your favorite thing to do?
2. Favorite book(s)?
3. Favorite subject in school?
4. Guilty blogging habit?
5. Favorite thing about blogging?
6. Your favorite gift that God has given you? (It can be anything from a talent, character quality, object or person, a spiritual gift, something He's done for you, etc. But if your answer is giving His life for you, since that is something that everyone expects every believer to say, tell something else along with that. {Does that make sense?} )
7. Do you enjoy cooking or baking more? 
8. How many siblings do you have?
9. What is something in creation that shouts God's glory and majesty to you?
10. What are your ambitions/desires for when you get older?
11. How does Psalm 139:14 say that you are made? According to Jeremiah 29:11, what kind of plans does God have for you?

I hope you enjoyed this post. Stay tuned for an upcoming Resurrection Sunday post! {Yes, yes, I know, it's late. But that's the way I am :) }

"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD, let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation."~Psalm 95:1

Julia <3